Lyricstuneful is a lyrics website platform. Here we will you only get interesting content, which you will like very much. The stories behind the songs and the creative connections drive culture in a meaningful way. We support curiosity and believe that everyone has musical knowledge to share: the insights, intelligence, and music that make us more informed, engaged music lovers. As the world’s largest music encyclopedia with a passionate community of millions of contributors.

It is our dream that you enjoy the vast selection of songs with lyrics meaning & lyrics in English that we have provided for you on our website.

You can expect the newly released songs from almost all the languages spoken in India to be added regularly. Covers so many types of music and also provides song translations. Explore Bangla songs, Bollywood songs, new songs, Gana Hindi, English songs lyrics, Punjabi gana lyrics in English & lyrics of love songs with video.

Lyrics are not easy to come by, especially if you are not able to find them online. That is why I have created this blog where people can request lyrics. If you are unable to obtain lyrics of any song, please submit the song name with details from Request